All set up with the Rift

Okay so off the bat, while the first-ever trial of Masterpiecevr is still fresh… 

I love that it’s in a studio space.  Already it makes it feel less foreign than the Tilt Brush experience, and hopefully what that means is that I’ll be able to spend more time in the virtual space without the hankering longing to return to a physical environment.  I haven’t yet had a look at the user manual, but it looks like there’s no hotkeys, or very minimal.  The major issue with that: the Undo button.  I’ve already logged enough hours in Tilt to have instilled motor reflex with the left controller’s Y button every time I want to undo a stroke.  Unfortunately, MP has configured that button for hovering through space, making me involuntarily catapult myself away from my artwork, and worse, have to relocate it.  That’s going to be a problem, as far as hopping back and forth between the two applications, and I don’t even know what further complications that’s going to entail once I start getting into Quill. 

The interface is (pro) more complex but (con) far less intuitive.  I’ve established that I can only sculpt one single object in a given working file, or at least, I haven’t yet figured out how to create multiple.  Also, in sculpting mode, I can’t use the eraser to subtract negative space, at least not how I’d like.  Even on the lowest strength setting (I got the slider down to 3), it was still far too overbearing, and there doesn’t seem to be an alternative option for this.  It implies that the program expects me to think strictly in ‘build’ mode rather than ‘carve’, which I find counter-intuitive to the art of sculpting (imagine starting out with a block of clay).  

Update: Have perused the User Manual and located the hotkey for Undo.  It’s the left joystick, left side.  Meanwhile, up and down on the left joystick control the strength.  So this is actually much more intuitive than Tilt’s button press keys.  I was able to get a lot further ahead this time around, literally sculpting out a head in the tried-and-true method I know from a clay sculpture class I took when I was 15.  A few things are still pretty frustrating though.  For one, I would prefer to sculpt the eyeball as a separate object before inserting it within the sculpted eye-sockets of the face.  But there didn’t seem to be an option for selecting and moving the eyeball object, so I had to sculpt it out directly in the face.  Also, I wanted to utilize the crisp lines of the geometrical shapes for objects like eyelids, but it proved next to impossible and looked very lumpy.  I got as close as I could then went in with the Smooth tool, but couldn’t get the effect I wanted.  Lastly, I couldn’t get my shape tools, be it the sphere, cylinder or cube, small enough to match the level of detail I would like.  At first it seemed possible by enlarging the scale of the sculpture, but it turns out the shape tool scales at some ratio of consistency, meaning the “brush” is always too big for detail. 
I read that I can increase the resolution and thus the detail, but that it might be at the consequence of some lag.  I’m going to try that next.  

Next: It didn’t work out exactly as planned.  The higher res (it’s defaulted at 4x and I tried it at around 7 or 8x) just resulted in smoothing out the mesh to the point of losing all fidelity to the features of the head (I’ve since called him Sam).  After fiddling with the resolution a bit more to no avail, I returned to the sculpting process.  This time however, some bugs had begun to show themselves.  There had been a few incidents of lag in my initial trial, but I reserved judgement on account of not knowing the lay of the land just yet.  The lag was now becoming too distracting to work seamlessly, but I kept on, as I wanted to explore more about the Select feature.  I still needed to figure out how to create a shape separately then adjust the scale before attaching it to the main shape, or in this case, Sam’s ears.  By the way, I gotta say I am loving the mirror feature.  If the tools were more sophisticated, it would be a dream to be sculpting like this, and it’s so close.  I had my headphones on, listening to Mozart and the ‘view’ of the calm ocean from the panoramic bay window allowed me the twinge of an escape to an art residency on the Amalfi coast.  Anyway, this time I succeeded in copy or cutting then pasting as many duplicates of the ear as I pleased, but that seems to be as far as it goes.  Then when I tried to backtrack my way through undoes, the ear suddenly metamorphosed into a black plague of exploded polygons.  Things continued going Pete Tong as I scrambled my way through a saved version of Sam (Masterpiece treated it as a brand new file, by the way – there was no option to save over my previously saved version of the sculpt from earlier today).  The save took a couple of minutes and basically everything was broken after that.  I took the headset off (get me outta this car!) and I’m pretty sure MP crashed soon after that.  I restarted the PC at that point, in case the issue was more there than MP’s fault (though I’m guessing it was a bit of both), but it’s late and I’ll reserve my next attempt till tomorrow.  

Edit (“tomorrow”) : Can’t access Masterpiecevr at all now – Steam isn’t loading (it loads on the PC desktop but in the VR space it seems to crash, or can’t get past the splash menu).

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